संचार मंत्रालय
Ministry of Communications

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Charter of Duties of Service Areas

Service Compliance

  • Coordination and monitoring of all service providers and checking of the service compliance by the licensee in respect of the license conditions and any directions issued by the licensor in public interest, including imposition of penalty, if any, in accordance with DoT guidelines.
  • Matters related to Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) emission from Telecom installations & Tarang Sanchar Portal.
  • Subscriber Document Verification with the objective to ascertain whether the mobile service operators are following the DoT guidelines for Subscriber verification before providing connections.
  • Service Testing of various Licensed Service Providers in the Licensee area and checking roll-out obligation as per license condition.
  • Issues related to Mobile Number Portability
  • Monitoring of commitments made by TSPs in improving Quality of services (QoS), call drops etc.
  • Tarang Sanchar related matters
  • Outstanding dues in case of merger/ surrender/ liquidation/ NCLT cases etc. of Access Service Licenses
  • Re-verification of existing mobile connections identified by the DoT/ Licensee/ Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)
  • TAFCOP related matters.
  • ASTR related matters.
  • Blocking of MSISDNs and IMEIs – Cyber Police Portal (CPP) – I4C MHA related matters.
  • BTS Fiberization reports
  • BTS information reports


  • Matters related to National Security and Lawful Interception. 

  • Act as technical interface between Security Agencies and TSPs. 

  • Operation and Maintenance of CMS/ IMS including CCB, IMG, SOP etc. 

  • Curbing illegal activities/ Control over clandestine/ illegal operation of telecom networks. To file FIR against culprits, pursue the cases and issue notices indicating violation of conditions of various Acts and statute in force. 

  • Monitoring compliance of instructions issued by DoT for blocking/unblocking of websites/ URLs/ Mobile App etc. by ISPs and TSPs. 

  • Analysis of call/ subscription/ traffic data of various licensees using CDRs/ IPDRs for finding out non bonafide use of telecom services (in coordination with Service Compliance). 

  • Security related Inspection of Internet Lease Line, International/ National Private Leased Circuit. 

  • CEIR related matters. 

  • Crosscheck Network Security Audit (MBSS) of TSPs & ISPs.

  • Spillover of foreign TSPs’ signals from neighboring countries – Monitoring and co-ordination with WMO and other agencies. 

  • Survey for Submarine Cables and Coordination with Service providers/ companies. 

  • Advocacy and Public Awareness on matters related to various types of Cyber frauds, Grey Market, illegal setups, cyber hygiene etc. 

  • T-CSIRT/ TSOC related matters. 

  • Cyber/ Information security related matters and Information Security Officer (ISO) functions.



  • Signing of ISP Licenses
  • Matters related to new technologies such as 5G, IOT, block chain etc.
  • Inspections of Telecom Service Providers (Access Service, NLD, ILD, ISP, IP, VSAT, etc.)
  • Telecommunication services in response to Disaster (Disaster Management)
  • PM-WANI related matters
  • Implementation of Short Codes
  • Implementation of Emergency Mechanism (112)
  • Coordination i.r.o. Digital Communication Technology (DCT) ecosystem with Start-Ups, SMEs, Incubators, Hubs, etc.
  • Coordination for Smart city project
  • Assistance in natural calamities or emergency situations
  • MTCTE Surveillance and Trusted Telecom implementation
  • Verification of VLR data
  • Matters related to NOC for selling of the global calling cards, international SIMs etc.
  • Ensuring Time synchronization of Telecom Networks including the O&M of related equipment if required.
  • Secured Dedicated Communication Network
  • Interconnect Exchange
  • Effective implementation of IPv6
  • Improving ICT Development Index
  • Implementation of the national Skill development plan for the Telecom Sector
  • OFC laid report.
  • Incentivizing use of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) in the communication sector.
  • Implementation of environmentally sustainable technologies in rural areas.
  •  Promoting and incentivizing deployment of solar and green energy for telecom towers.
  • Playing a vital role to fit to new requirements in the fields of renewable energy, powering of telecom towers without regular electricity connection, energy efficiency and conservation, reducing diesel consumption in telecom operations.


  • General Administration 
  • Staff and Establishment matters 
  • Public Grievance redressal 
  • Responding RTI queries. 
  • Advocacy/ Public Awareness of important events/ achievements in various social media platforms 
  • Maintaining service records and e-HRMS related matters.
  • Training, Capacity Building and iGoT matters. 
  • Procurement of Goods and services 
  • Budget and Audit matters 
  • Holding of workshops, conference, and presentations. 
  • Building works 
  • Responding to Parliamentary matters. 
  • Handling Court cases including engagement of legal counsel. 
  • VIP references 
  • Vigilance matters
  • Other regular administrative works 
  • Ensuring safety of electrical installations as per CEA Regulations 2010 
  • Providing and maintaining the building infrastructure in the department and performing related functions including energy conservation and fire safety of infrastructure. 


  • Right of Way (RoW) related issues and coordination with concerned Central and State Government’s department and institutions, local bodies
  • Network coverage/connectivity of villages for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mission and of Banks in rural areas under Financial Inclusion Planning (FIP)
  • Coordination and Monitoring of Mobile coverage for the projects funded by USOF.
  • Mobile coverage in rural areas – identification of uncovered villages.
  • Improving mobile signal coverage in international border areas – Monitoring and co-ordination with TSPs, WMO and other agencies.
  • Gati Shakti Sanchar Portal – To pursue with States/ UTs for the integration of pending State portals, development and integration of 5G form and Implementation of deemed approval.
  • Call Before u dig Mobile app – Meeting the given digging inquiry targets.
  • Follow up with states for adoption of IT RoW rules amendments and clearance of RoW pendency within 60 days.
  •  DoT PM Gati Shakti NMP Platform – Follow up with states for mapping of Street Furniture in the given DoT format, and also mapping of the optical fiber of Class B/C ISPs and State PSUs in respective LSAs on the DoT National Master Plan platform.
  • Follow up with states for adoption of Addendum to MoHUA guidelines about Modern building byelaws on IBS, adoption of draft guidelines about common ducts, 5G use cases pilots etc

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