संचार मंत्रालय
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Communications
With immense pleasure we introduce ourselves as trusted partner of People of Assam in ensuring seamless telecommunication service delivery across the State. In Assam Licensing Service Area (LSA), we are committed to provide exemplary services that cater peoples’ needs with efficiency, reliability and compassion. Further, The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is deeply committed in promoting digital literacy and inclusion among the people of Assam. We believe that access to information and communication technologies is a fundamental need/ right and we are actively working to bridge the digital divide as envisaged under National Digital Communication Policy (NDCP-2018)
In today’s interconnected world, reliable and efficient communication infrastructure is fundamental in driving socio-economic growth and fostering inclusive development. DoT recognizes the pivotal role that telecommunications play in enhancing the quality of life for every citizen of Assam. We are steadfast in our mission to provide seamless access to a wide range of telecommunications services, including high-speed internet, mobile connectivity and digital innovations that enrich daily lives. Whether one resides in the bustling urban centers or the serene rural landscapes of Assam, our network infrastructure is designed to reach everyone bridging distances and connecting communities. Our commitment goes beyond mere provision of services as we are dedicated to ensure that our telecommunications network remains robust, resilient and future-ready. Through strategic investments in technology and infrastructure, we strive to deliver cutting-edge solutions that anticipate and exceed the evolving needs.
In a snapshot, Assam LSA office is working hard in consultation with all stakeholders i.e. TSPs/ ISPs/ IPs and State Government. Presently two Universal Service Obligation Fund projects are operative in Assam to provide quality Telecom Service in remote and hilly areas. In addition to it, work on BSNL 4G Saturation project (another flagship project of DoT), which aims to provide 4G connectivity to all uncovered villages across the State is currently underway. Two 5G use case test labs are also being commissioning at IIT Guwahati and NIT Silchar for faster proliferation of 5G technology in the State. As we embark on this journey together, I urge People to partner with us in realizing the full potential of Telecommunications to transform lives and empower communities across Assam. Feedback, suggestions and support from all the stakeholders are invaluable as we continue to innovate and elevate the standard of Telecom services in our State.
I reaffirm our unwavering commitment to serve with excellence, integrity and dedication. Together, let us harness the power of connectivity to build a brighter and more prosperous future for all. On behalf of the dedicated and committed team of officers of Assam LSA and Licensees, I, as Addl. Director General, assure that Assam LSA remains at the forefront of service delivery and consistently meeting the diverse needs of our People across the region.
Addl. Director General, Assam LSA
Assam LSA on 22nd September 2023 organised a workshop on ” Start-ups of Assam – Innovating in Communication Technology and 5G Use cases”. Speakers from IIT GUWAHATI RESEARCH PARK FOUNDATION and Start-ups under its umbrella gave presentations on the products being developed by them. CTO, Rel Jio, Assam delivered a presentation on 5G use cases and role being played by the TSP in proliferation of 5G coverage as well as use cases. Officials of Govt. Of Assam organisations like AMTRON, ASDMA, Skill , TSPs, ISPs participated in the workshop and made it a success.
Assam LSA successfully organized a Seminar on “Business Opportunities in Telecom Sector for entrepreneurs in Assam” on 09.12.2022 for spreading awareness regarding the initiatives of Department of Telecommunications for encouraging MSMEs, R&D in the field of telecom, 5G and IOT/ M2M use cases and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Assam. The program was attended by approximately 100 guests which included members of Assam Chambers of Commerce, Telecom Franchisees, M2M service providers, AMTRON-Govt. of Assam among others. Speakers form CDOT Bangalore, a leading M2M company from NOIDA, AMTRON, Airtel and DOT Assam LSA delivered the lectures.
8th State Broadband Committee (8th SBC) Meeting was conducted by DoT Assam LSA under the Chairmanship of Shri Syedain Abbasi, IAS, Spl. CS, Govt. Of Assam on 4th March-2024. Various issues related to Right of Way (RoW), 5G Rollout and BSNL 4G Saturation project were discussed and important decisions taken to expedite the implementations of different Govt. of India schemes for facilitating faster proliferation of the Broadband infrastructure in the State of Assam. dissemination of alert messages to the citizens in shortest possible time.
Last updated - 05-04-2024
Last updated: May 9, 2024